Pillar 4

Keep learning, keep growing



We are looking for workers that are authentic, have social intelligence, a sense of teamwork and the capacity to adapt themselves in an agile and challenging ecosystem.

ADEO provides a workplace where everyone is listened to:

  • Your ideas will be taken into account and challenged by the collective, to get the best of it.
  • Every victory, even the smallest one, is due to a collective game, widely shared on social media and communication tools such as Github, Medium or events.
How do we do this?

Digital coworkers expect a candidate willing to join ADEO Digital Team to: “be curious & flexible”, “be caring and have emotional intelligence”, “be authentic”.

HR and Talent Attraction & Acquisition teams expect a candidate with social intelligence, such as empathy and human values, team spirit and membership, agility.

According to collaborators, the main incentives to join ADEO are having the opportunity to grow and work with amazing people; or to achieve a lot with high value; and to be able to count on your colleagues when things get rough.

ADEO has been rated 4,2/5 on Glassdoor. Some brands belonging to the group have been labelled “Great Place to Work”.


We believe in continuous improvement

Together we share the same vision of digital that is “Positive Tech”: a sustainable way of doing tech, committed towards accessibility and durability.

The group empowers anyone to develop their skills and share their experience with colleagues.

How do we do this?

Every ADEO company sets up eco-conception processes to develop its tools, but also website accessibility, to ensure the best customer experience to anyone.

We like to share our successes, learnings and best practices, through specific tech events like Digital Data Tech Summit, or global events for the whole ADEO community, like Global Platform Week (platforms’ evolutions) and Global Digital Meeting (Digital Strategy update).

Teams are encouraged and supported into sharing their successes, work, progress and so on through several occasions and events organized by ADEO.

Our websites are developed to be accessible to all: Leroy Merlin France worked on its website to create a dedicated page for people with a hearing impariment. These pages use Soudline technology.



At ADEO, we take care of your aspirations and we do pay attention to the shifts of our working environment.

We experiment with mobility in all its forms: remote work, international mobility, career change, short term assignment in other business units

We work on career paths like we work on our products: by co-designing them with our collaborators.

How do we do this?

We support anyone wishing to change their career path, no matter how radical it is: Have you ever seen a lawyer become a developer? We did it!

Remote work is part of our HR policy and at digital data, we have an agreement for 4 days of remote work per week.

In France, to reduce the need for our collaborators to commute between their homes and workplace, and to foster work-life balance, we opened offices in Lille, Paris & Bordeaux.

We have a mobility program offer for every employee expressing his/her will to go abroad.

A MBA Rotational Program has been made to offer a 24-month experience to graduates.

To enable every student to embrace a tech career, ADEO launches its own digital academy, offering a full training, previously to a job offer into the company.

Positive Tech: see our other pillars


Make ADEO a positive place to work

Join a global, well-established, independent Group with strong “human-first” values devoted to making home a positive place to live.


Change the retail game with tech

Contribute to create a global digital platform that will invent new ways of meeting the needs of our customers, both in-store and online.


Tech it to the next level

Be empowered to build scalable, tailor-made and agile digital products that will be used in house or as-a-service.

POSITIVE TECH </> Adeo Group

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